Friday, December 2, 2011

Armed for Winters!

One of the benefits of living in a coastal city is that we have pretty much hot and humid temperatures throughout the year. For a couple of months though the weather does fluctuate a few degrees allowing us to enjoy a few extra cups of tea, coffee, soups, hot cocoa and cosy duvets.

Unfortunately the temperature fluctuations also bring with them seasonal flu. What is interesting to note that there are about 200 types of cold viruses and our bodies have to go through the entire 7 days of flu to develop immunity against the one caught and will never ever get sick of the same virus in the lifetime (Random Fact: That’s a total of 3 years, 9 months, 3 days and 18 hours of cold!) . As the saying goes, you can take medications and the flu will take 7 days to cure and without the medications, it will last for a week!

However, it does not mean that you have the suffer the severity of the virus as well. Overtime I have a learnt a few tips which I would like to share with you at this time of the year. Here is a list of a collection of tips/remedies/advices that make my little one really comfortable during the occasional bout of cold (Tried and tested).

  1. 1. Keep the feet warm: Keep those tiny chubby feet wrapped in soft cotton socks during winters. This will ensure that the baby does not catch a cold in the first place. Make sure that they are wearing comfortable sandals while they toddle around over marble or tiled flooring.
  2. 2. Shift bathing time to mid-afternoon: Also try to keep them in a little late-afternoon warm sun-glow and let them absorb the energy and heat. Avoid early morning showers as the baby might get exposed to cold morning wind. Late evening baths are simply forbidden.
  3. 3. If the child already has a cold, try putting some vicks vapour rub on their feet, chest, back and behind their ears as they drift off to sleep. Cover feet with socks.
  4. 4. If the baby has low grade fever (below 100 degrees) you do not need to give any medication. In case it is equal to or more than 100 degrees, give child about 5 ml paracetamol every four hours. If it raises more than 101 degrees take the child to the emergency room and always keep some paracetamol suppositories at hand for such emergencies.
  5. 5. Use a nasal aspirator to clear-up a runny nose. Put a few drops of saline water in each nostril. Close one nostril with your left hand while you aspirate the other.
  6. 6. If the child is cooperative, use a steamer just before bed. It will ensure comfortable night free from blocked nose.
  7. 7. Dryness increases the chances of catching a virus. Use a cold humidifier at all time during the winter.
  8. 8. Rest is by far the most important factor in recovering from flu.
  9. 9. If you feel the child is congested, use ¼ of a teaspoon of Manuka Honey first thing in the morning. Just let them lick the spoon clean. Works like magic every time (for children who are one year plus).
  10. 10. Raise the baby’s head while he sleeps. Put a few folded towels under their pillow in a cascade form and arrange the baby on the pillow so their head and shoulders are on the pillow. Sleeping on a side also helps preventing the nasal drippings from reaching the throat and causing infections.
  11. 11. Keep the baby hydrated. Increase their fluid intake and add juices, herbals decaffeinated teas, plain water and milk to their diet. Pure orange juice is actually very beneficial for combating flu. Chicken broth is great for providing the warmth as well as necessary nutrients.
  12. 12. If you are nursing the baby, continue to do so and increase the nursing sessions. They are the best way to comfort a sick baby and also speeds up their healing process.
  13. 13. To avoid abrasions to the delicate skin around the baby’s nose, apply some baby petroleum jelly each time you wipe their nose. Cleaning with water is a better alternative, but dry the water droplets immediately afterwards.
  14. 14. Keep the baby dry.

Hope that you will find these helpful. Have a happy winter while I go and get my third cup of tea!